Ngā Mihi!


A decade or so ago, I realised I needed to wear spectacles.  And the never-ending decisions began. Do I get a less expensive pair? Do I go for an expensive branded pair? Do I go for style versus functionality? What colour suits me? What shape suits me?  

The options I had in NZ made me choose between style, service, looking good and what I could afford.  

The world was changing. Pandemic was affecting our daily life in ways we could never have imagined! I reflected what I could do to make things better for me & people around me. Feel good working on something that brought meaning and made things easier for my community.

The answer was clear.

More than 6 in 10 people wear glasses or contact lenses (source CBS). I want to make it possible for people to have a better experience in choosing frames and lenses than I had. Not be torn between price and styles.

 Reach out to my fellow Kiwis through Sherry and CO, making better vision a delightful and easy choice. Bring stylish frames to your homes at the touch of a button. No more dilemmas between style and price. Make it affordable and easy for everyone, young and not so young. Providing better and easy means to not only see well but look & feel good.

Confucious (Philosopher) once said “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”

Sherry and CO want you to look at beauty in every fold in a flower, watch the colours on butterfly wings, see the distant clouds and site the sailboat on the horizon, watch the expressions unfold on a child’s face or simply recognize a friend from a distance and be able to stand tall, see & read confidently wherever you are. Sherry and CO want to give you a reason to smile today and every day.

Let your personality shine through from the wide variety of Sherry & CO frames and lenses.

My team and I are delighted to have a purpose, do our research and work hard to build our sources to get you the best frames and lenses at affordable prices.

 Let us do it New Zealand.

He waka eke noa – (We are all in this together)


Important Notice: Store Suspended


Online Store is currently suspended due to unforeseen circumstances until further notice.

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